Last updated on 17 October
Venue: Hotel Passage, Lidická 23, 602 00 Brno
MODERATOR: Daniel STACH, Journalist, Presenter, Science Communicator, Czech Television
Vladimír BALAŠ, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
Mariya GABRIEL, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Claire SAMSON, Vice-President, Programs and Planning, Canada Foundation for Innovation
Imraan PATEL, Deputy Director-General: Research Development and Support, South African Department of Science and Innovation
Claudia ROMANO, Manager of the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation
Cathy FOLEY, Australia's Chief Scientist, Australian Government
Signe RATSO, Acting Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
MODERATOR: Daniel STACH, Journalist, Presenter, Science Communicator, Czech Television
I. COVID-19 and pandemics of infectious diseases
16:00 – 17:00
Edith HEARD, Director General, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Franciska de JONG, Executive Director, Common LAnguage Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN ERIC), Europe
Theresa PATTERY, Vice President, Head of Disease Management Programs, Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. (Johnson & Johnson), Global Public Health R&D, Belgium
Pierre DELSAUX, Director-General of European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), European Commission
II. Environment, climate change and mitigation
17:00 – 18:00
Roberta MARINELLI, Director of the Office of Polar Programs, U.S. National Science Foundation
Mary-Jane BOPAPE, Managing Director of the South African Environmental Observation Network, National Research Foundation
Hugh POSSINGHAM, Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network Advisory Board Chair and Professor at the University of Queensland, Australia
Adrian STANICA, Coordinator, International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems (DANUBIUS RI), Romania
Venue: Hotel Passage, Lidická 23, 602 00 Brno
MODERATOR: Sarah BROWN, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER), Australian Government
Susie ROBINSON, Executive Director, Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
Gelsomina PAPPALARDO, Director of the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IMAA), Italy and Executive Board Member of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
Ronald ROBERTS, Deputy Chief Officer for Research Facilities at the National Science Foundation, USA
María Natalia LISA, Head of the Centre for Structural Biology at CeBEM (Mercosur Center for Structural Biology), Latin America
Lia PIETRASANTA, Associate Professor, Universityof Buenos Aires, Argentina
I. COVID-19 and pandemics of infectious diseases
MODERATOR: Jana KOLAR, Chair ofEuropean Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
Nahla AFIFI, Director of the Qatar Biobank
Carlos BATTHYÁNY DIGHIERO, Executive Director, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay
Ewan HARRISON, Deputy Director, COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium (COG-UK), Group Leader at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and the Department of Medicine at the University of Cambridge
Caterina BISCARI, Director of the ALBA Synchrotron, Spain
II. Environment, climate change and mitigation
MODERATOR: Gelsomina PAPPALARDO, Director of the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IMAA), Italy and Executive Board Member of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
Gary W. MILLER, Vice Dean for Research Strategy and Innovation, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, USA
Benoît PIRENNE, Director, User Engagement, Oceans Network Canada, an Initiative of the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Nicolaus HANOWSKI, Head of Earth Observation and Missions Management & Ground Segments Department, European Space Agency
Sanna SORVARI SUNDET, Vice President, Research Infrastructure Services Unit at Natural Resources Institute Finland
III. Data and Digitalisation of Society
MODERATOR: Michael ARENTOFT, Head of Unit for Open Science, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Thomas GEENEN, Technology Partnership Lead for Destination Earth, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Hanifeh KHAYYERI, Vice President Computer Science at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Tshiamo MOTSHEGWA, Department of Computer Science, University of Botswana
Michihiko MINOH, Director, RIKEN Information R&D and Strategy Headquarters (R-IH), Japan
Parallel Theme A: Societal and Economic Benefits and impact of Research Infrastructures
PT A/1: Communicating Successes and Raising Awareness Among Decision Makers, their Influencers, and the Public
MODERATOR: Michael O’Neill, Canada Foundation for Innovation
Bryony BUTLAND, Programme Director, United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Claire SAMSON, Vice-President, Programs and Planning, Canada Foundation for Innovation
Daniel STACH, Journalist, Presenter, Science Communicator, Czech Television, Czech Republic
Karl TISCHLER, Head of Communication, EUROfusion
Parallel Theme B: Multi-scale Ecosystem of Research Infrastructures
PT B/1: Multi-scale Ecosystem – Fostering Cooperation Between Facilities at Different Scales
MODERATOR: Ondřej HRADIL, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Julia Fernandez RODRIGUEZ, President, Core Technologies for Life Sciences, Sweden
Rodrigo PORTUGAL, Group Leader, Head of Cryo-EM Facility, Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano), National Center for Energy and Materials Research (CNPEM), Brazil
Obed M. OGEGA, Programmes Manager, African Academy of Sciences
Jacques DEMOTES, Director General, European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN-ERIC)
Louise WILLINGALE, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and the Gérard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Parallel Theme C: Research Infrastructures and Sharing Scientific Data Globally
PT C/1: Data Sharing - Global Initiatives
MODERATOR: Karel LUYBEN, President, European Open Science Cloud Association
Michael ARENTOFT, Head of Unit for Open Science, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Simon HODSON, Executive Director, CODATA, The Committee on Data of the International Science Council, France
Karen PAYNE, Associate Director for International Technology, World Data System, International Technology Office at the University of Victoria, Canada
Jean-Claude BURGELMAN, Academic Director and Professor of Open Science, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Gabriela MEJIAS, Community Manager, DataCite, Germany
Parallel Theme D: Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures
PT D/1: Principles for Enabling International Access to RIs
MODERATOR: Dominik SOBCZAK, DG R&I, European Commission
Matthew J. HAWKINS, Head of Large Facilities Office, National Science Foundation, USA
Elena HOFFERT, Executive Board Member, European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
Andrew HARRISON, Chief Executive Officer, Diamond Light Source LTD, UK / from November 2022, Director of Science, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
Agnieszka CHŁOŃ-DOMIŃCZAK, Vice-Rector for Science and Director of the Institute of Statistics and Demography at SGH Warsaw School of Economics and leader of the Polish research group at SHARE 50+ (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe)
Ornela de GIACOMO, Deputy Executive Director, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC-ERIC)
Parallel Theme A: Societal and Economic Benefits and impact of Research Infrastructures
PT A/2: How Do We Know We Invest in the Right Things? Discussion on Building Quality Assurance and Review into the Investment Selection Process
MODERATOR: Jan HRUŠÁK, Advisor / Special Envoy for Research Infrastructures / ESFRI
Alasdair REID, Policy Director, The European Future Innovation System (EFIS) Centre, Belgium
Silvia VIGNETTI, Development and Evaluation Unit, Centre for Industrial Studies (CSIL), Italy
Susie ROBINSON, Executive Director, Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
Massimo FLORIO, University of Milano, Italy
Daniel ADAMS, Chief Director: Basic Sciences and Infrastructure, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Parallel Theme B: Multi-scale Ecosystem of Research Infrastructures
PT B/2: Challenges of Multinational Research Infrastructures – Maintaining Synergistic Relationships
MODERATOR: Alejandro BUSCHIAZZO, Institut Pasteur Montevideo, Uruguay
Silke SCHUMACHER, Hub Coordinator, Instruct-ERIC
Udunna ANAZODO, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Canada
Jane FITZPATRICK, Chief Executive Officer, Australian National Fabrication Facility
Leonel MALACRIDA, Head Advanced Bioimaging Unit, Institut Pasteur Montevideo, Uruguay
Parallel Theme C: Research Infrastructures and Sharing Scientific Data Globally
PT C/2: Data Sharing - Regional Initiatives
MODERATOR: Marialuisa LAVITRANO, Coordinator of RItrain Plus project, Italy
Rosie HICKS, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Data Commons
Ewa DEELMAN, Research Professor and Research Director, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, USA
Jianhui LI, Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Science, CSTCloud
Suzanne DUMOUCHEL, Partnerships Coordinator, OPERAS and Member of the Board of Directors of the EOSC Association, Belgium
Tania ALTAMIRANO, Academic Relations Manager at RedCLARA, Nicaragua
Parallel Theme D: Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures
PT D/2: Enabling Global Collaboration and Access to Research Infrastructures in Times of Crisis
Bruno COUTARD, European Virus Archive Global
Claudia FILIPPONE, European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents (ERINHA)
Clifford NXOMANI, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, National Research Foundation of South Africa
Gregory BOEBINGER, Director, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA
Michael JAMES, Australian Synchrotron
Toshiyasu ICHIOKA, Director, RIKEN Europe Office
Nicolas PADE, Executive Director, European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-ERIC)
Parallel Theme A: Societal and Economic Benefits and Impact of Research Infrastructures
PT A/3: Advancing Knowledge. Transforming Lives. Inspiring Nations - the Transformative Effect of Research Infrastructures
MODERATOR: Johannes GUTLEBER, Future Circular Collider, Directorate Office for Accelerators and Technology, CERN
Johannes GUTLEBER, Future Circular Collider, Directorate Office for Accelerators and Technology, CERN
Adrian TIPLADY, Deputy Managing Director: Strategy & Partnerships, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory
Gihan KAMEL, Sesame Infrared Beamline Principal Scientist, Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East
Sun Kun OH, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Konkuk University and Senior Consultant for Center for Underground Physics, Institute of Basic Sciences, South Korea
Xavier BARCONS, Director General of the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO)
Parallel Theme B: Multi-scale Ecosystem of Research Infrastructures
PT B/3: Toolbox Session – Examples of Good Practices for Research Infrastructures Ecosystem Focused on Smaller Scale Facilities
MODERATOR: Frédéric SGARD, Project Administratorat the Global Science Forum, OECD
Sally CHAMBERS, Digital Humanities Research Coordinator, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University, Belgium
Lavanya PREMVARDHAN, Core Facilities Working Group, EU-LIFE
Alberto ZIGONI, Portfolio Integration Director, Research Intelligence Solutions at Elsevier, Italy
Marialuisa LAVITRANO, Coordinator of RItrainPlus project, Italy
Tanja NINKOVIC, Programme Manager of the ARISE Training Program, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
Rosario DURÁN, Head of Technological Unit, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay
Lia PIETRASANTA, Associate Professor, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Joshua Z. RAPPOPORT, Executive Director, Research Infrastructure & Operations, Boston College, USA
Parallel Theme C: Research Infrastructures and Sharing Scientific Data Globally
PT C/3: Data Sharing - National Initiatives
MODERATOR: Luděk MATYSKA, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
York SURE-VETTER, Director of National Research Data Infrastructure, Germany
Mark LEGGOTT, Director of International Relations, Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Canada
Yasuhiro MURAYAMA, Research Executive Director at National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, Member of Science Council of Japan, Member of Expert Panel of Open Science Promotion at Cabinet Office of Japan
Jana KLÁNOVÁ, Director of RECETOX at Masaryk University & Coordinator of EIRENE Research Infrastructure, Czech Republic
Parallel Theme D: Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures
PT D/3: Research Infrastructures Access for Complex Science Questions – Promoting Global Collaboration and Science Diplomacy
MODERATOR: Andrew HARRISON, Chief Executive Officer, Diamond Light Source LTD, UK and from November 2022, Director of Science, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
Apostolia KARAMALI, Head of Unit for Research and Innovation Actors and Research Careers, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Giorgio ROSSI, Physics Department of the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Francisco COLOMER, Director, JIVE-ERIC
Mirjam VAN DAALEN, Head of Communications, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Anita HEWARD, Communications Manager, Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent
Ed MITCHEL, Head of Business Development, Experiments Division, The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), France
Hank LOESCHER, The National Ecological Observatory Network, USA
Claudia Alén AMARO, Senior Programme Manager at the Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure (Instruct-ERIC), UK
Werner KUTSCH, Director General, ICOS ERIC (Integrated Carbon Observation System)
Venue: Hotel Passage, Lidická 23, 602 00 Brno
MODERATOR: Daniel STACH, Journalist, Presenter, Science Communicator, Czech Television
Rapporteurs from Parallel Themes and Grand Societal Challenges Parallel Sessions
MODERATOR: Anna PANAGOPOULOU, Director for ERA & Innovation, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, European Commission
III. Data and Digitalisation of Society
Ivan BARTOŠ, Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development, Government of the Czech Republic
Karel LUYBEN, President of the European Open Science Cloud Association
Émilie PAQUIN, Director of research and strategic development, Université de Montréal, Érudit Consortium / Coalition Publica, Canada
Piyawut SRICHAIKUL, ASEAN HPC Task Force Co-Chair, Director of National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) Supercomputer Center (ThaiSC), Thailand
Tommaso CALARCO, Director, Institute for Quantum Control at Forschungszentrum Jülich
MODERATOR: Daniel STACH, Journalist, Presenter, Science Communicator, Czech Television
• Brno Declaration on Fostering a Global Ecosystem of Research Infrastructures
Václav VELČOVSKÝ, Deputy Minister for the European Union, International Affairs and the EU Cohesion Policy Funds, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Joanna DRAKE, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
• ERIC Plates Ceremony
Joanna DRAKE, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Francisco COLOMER, Chair, ERIC Forum
Marta ABRANTES, Foundation for Science and Technology FCT, Portugal on behalf of MIRRI (The Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure)
• Memorandum of Understanding signature between Instruct-ERIC and CNPEM
Harald SCHWALBE, Director, Instruct-ERIC, United Kingdom
Rodrigo VILLARES PORTUGAL, Director, National Center for Research in Energy and Materials, Brasil
• Memorandum of Understanding signature between Euro-BioImaging and Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Antje KEPPLER, Biological Hub Director, Euro-BioImaging, Germany
Carlos BATTHYÁNY DIGHIERO, Executive Director, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay
MODERATOR: Daniel STACH, Journalist, Presenter, Science Communicator, Czech Television
Jana KOLAR, Chair of European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
Joanna DRAKE, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Ronald ROBERTS, Deputy Chief Officer for Research Facilities at the National Science Foundation, USA
Jiří NANTL, Deputy Governor of the South Moravian Region and Director of CEITEC MU, Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Václav VELČOVSKÝ, Deputy Minister for the European Union, International Affairs and the EU Cohesion Policy Funds, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Hand over to ICRI 2024 organisers...
Sarah BROWN, Counsellor for Industry, Science and Resources, Australian Embassy to Belgium, Luxembourg and Mission to the European Union and NATO
Satellite and Side events aim to invite a larger number of stakeholders to join discussions on topics relevant to research infrastructures, give them space to open topics important to them, and share their visions, plans, and contributions to society. Please go to the Site / Satellite events section of the Programme to check the Site and Satellite events list and learn more about individual events.
Satellite and Side events aim to invite a larger number of stakeholders to join discussions on topics relevant to research infrastructures, give them space to open topics important to them, and share their visions, plans, and contributions to society. Please go to the Site / Satellite events section of the Programme to check the Site and Satellite events list and learn more about individual events.